Bounty campaign
Everyone can get some MFCoins by share information about MFCoin or Freeland. Price for the post depends on its content and place of publication (social network and number of followers). Rewards will be sent after complete check of the placed order in 1-3 days.
5 MFC – share mfcoin.net link and type a few words about the project in the social networks;
25-50 MFC – place a banner or any other ad of the project on your website or other web-source with a good traffic (more than 0,5k DAU per day) for one week or more.
100-500 MFC – informative article on a popular online resource.
NEW! 5 MFC – post on
English https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3098405
Russian https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3302663
note: reward is sent once for each source, account couldn’t be empty, new, bot-regulated or has less 64 friends.