In April 2021, the teams of the virtual state of Freeland and the Free TON ecosystem agreed to unite the technical platform. Freeland moves to the Free TON Labs platform, and MFCoin coins are exchanged for Free TON crystals.

We are pleased to announce that a public coin exchange platform has been launched today. In order to make this exchange, you need to go to the site https://ton.mfcoin.net/, specify your wallet for Free TON crystals there, send MFCoin coins for burning to the address indicated on the site, and after 32 confirmations within the MFCoin network get your crystals in the proportion 115 MFCoin = 1 Free TON Crystal.
You can download the Free TON Crystal wallet for Windows, macOS and Linux here: https://l1.broxus.com/freeton/wallet
You can get the Free TON Crystal online wallet here: https://web.ton.surf/